Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So this may be the longest post ever considering my last post was for December 25th and it is now January 25th BUT I can do it......HERE WE GO!

After a great Christmas Kyle and I headed to Ohio to spend time with his family. While we were there we enjoyed shopping, eating good food, playing games, an engagement party, New Years Eve party, working out (minus me), napping on accident, and watching movies. I always love getting to spend time with Kyle's family because it doesn't happen as often as I wish it could. While I was there I was determined to find a bridesmaid dress and thankfully I did. Of course, it didn't happen as easily as I would have liked it to, but after making a trip 30 minutes away, calling the Connecticut store, dealing with cranky store clerks and searching through the messiest store I have ever seen...WE GOT THEM! Story of my life.

I'm a Yahtzee fool now.

Kyle lost to Drew twice...kind of a sore subject. I secretly was cheering for Drew the whole time! :)

Coffee-Grinder anyone??

Holly being cute and Drew being Drew!

After we got back from Ohio it definitely was a bitter-sweet time because I had seen Kyle 14 out of 17 days over the holidays. He had to return to his regular work schedule and I had to work a couple games in Stillwater before the break was over. Thankfully I was able to go back home for a few days before classes started the next week. While I was home I became the VERY proud owner of a 2004 White Honda Civic. I am so happy to be driving a car I know I can trust to get me from point A to point B.

On to other news, I started my last first day of college ever on January 10th. Well, unless graduate school is in my future...right now heck to the no, but who knows. It is crazy to think that 3 1/2 years has already gone by. I feel like I just moved to Stillwater and my mom, Chloe, and I were in the parking lot crying together. Time flies. I'm super excited that I will be a proud graduate on May 7th!

Since school has started we have already had two snow storms. And do you think we were let out for it??? NO. Every other school and university in the whole state of Oklahoma was let out including OSU-Tulsa and OSU-Okc. I think I may be bitter. I'm guessing OSU enjoys watching students like Jane and myself stand and wait for the bus for 10 minutes in the freezing cold and then arrive at class to find a note on the door saying that class is cancelled...poor Jane. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a huge blizzard to come in the next week or so and cancel classes for 3 days. Sounds fun, huh??

Over Martin Luther King day weekend Holly and I headed to Dallas to spend time with Kyle. We all had a great time eating out and trying new restaurants. While we were there we went to Joe T Garcia's, Salt Grass Steakhouse, La Madeleine, and Cracker Barrel. One of the main reasons I'm so excited to move to Dallas is because of the restaurants. There are a billion and one. It's insane. We also were able to see some great people including their cousin Rachel and Brad and Elizabeth. On Sunday we went to church and enjoyed relaxing for most of the day before Kyle's work friends came over for a wonderful dinner. Holly made Chicken Parmesan, salad, and bread. It was delish!

It is my sister's birthday today...Whoop! Kelli, I hope you have a great day! I love you so much!!!

Whew. That feels good to have it all out on the blog now. I promise to be a WAY BETTER BLOGGER. I don't have to have catch up on blog everyday in my planner anymore. :) Oh, the joys of marking things off a list. Until tomorrow blog friends....

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