Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just another update!

It has been an eventful last couple of weeks since my last post. I realize that my posts are not consistent by any means, but when I find the time I like to jot down what has been going on. I hope everyone is enjoying the first week of March. Can you believe it is already almost spring??

+Last weekend Kyle and I enjoyed a weekend in San Antonio with friends. The weather was absolutely perfect and we ate more than we should have, but what's a vacation without yummy food??

+I had 4 tests this past week with a new online class starting as well. It was a very stressful week and this week will be just as bad. Pray for me!

+Spring Break is right around the corner...I'm looking forward to a relaxing break!

+Kyle got a Twitter account last Sunday and has tweeted 178 times. He goes a little crazy, but it is very entertaining. His account is kylefisher21.

+Basketball season is over for me and Softball season has started.

+Canon has been practicing hard core to be the ring bearer in our wedding. He does a great job and it will be very entertaining!

+I accomplished quite a bit of wedding stuff this past week. Kyle was a trooper and ran errands with me yesterday. I love that guy!

+I have my graduation fair tomorrow where I go get my cap and gown and order invitations. I can't believe I will be a college graduate! EEEEEEEEKKKKKK!

+My roomie has been very, very sick this weekend. I'm glad she is feeling better!

+Bachelor Women Tell All is tomorrow night! I'm so ready for the Finale!

+I still love my iPhone!

+My room needs major attention, but I just can't get motivated to tend to it.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. senioritis...spring fever...iPhone...Hang in there!

  2. Your a bad blogger!!!! Get back into it!!!!
